• 1024px-Information.svg

    Public announcement

    RULMENTI SA, owner of the project  “Construction of Retail Park Barlad, arrangement of exterior platforms with parking lots, road and pedestrian alleys, access roads, road signs, disposition of light advertising boxes and advertising totem, lanscaping, land fencing, setup of utility connections , site organization and cadastral and notarial operations, joining and / or subdivision of [...]

  • Christmas Tree

    Christmas greetings

    On behalf of all URB family, we are wishing you and your loved ones health, happiness, peace and prosperity this holiday season and in the coming New Year. May the magic of Christmas fill your heart all year long. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!  

  • Topul Judetean al Firmelor

    RULMENTI 2020 awards

                 Annually, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIA) – Vaslui, organizes the County Top Companies and makes a classification of companies based on economic performance criteria.           This year, the event of the County Top Companies was organized online by presenting a video with the companies that were awarded plaques and anniversary trophies, for [...]