• Convocator

    Convocation AGOA 30 or 31 august 2021

    NOTICE OF MEETING     The Board of Administration of “RULMENTI” S.A., with headquar-ters in Barlad, 320 Republicii Street, county of Vaslui, tax identification num-ber RO 2808089, registered in the Commerce Register under no. J37/8/1991 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), in accordance with the Decision no. 214/09.07.2021 and based on the Law no. 31/1990 on [...]

  • Convocator

    Convocation AGA 27 may or 25 june 2021

    The Board of Directors of RULMENTI S.A., with headquarters in Bârlad, 320 Republicii Street, Vaslui County, Tax Identification Code RO 2808089, Registration no. at Trade Register J37/8/1991  (hereinafter called „the Company”), according to the Decision no. 206/19.04.2021,  under the Law no. 31/1990 regarding the companies, republished, with the subsequent amendments and additions (“Law no. 31/1990″), [...]

  • Bearing for Railways


    For railway systems, our company offers bearingsoperating at high speeds, to achieve high durability andminimal maintenance requirements.