• gdpr

    GDPR- Privacy Policy Updates

      Dear Customer, In light of the recent developments in global privacy laws, in particular the enactment of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, Rulmenti S.Ahas updated our privacy policy, in order to maintain our commitment to strong privacy protections for our customers, products and company. We encourage you to review our [...]

  • Convocator

    Convocator AGOA si AGEA 18-19 IUNIE 2018

                                                                                                                                             CONVOCATORConsiliul de Administratie al “RULMENTI” S.A., cu sediul in Barlad, str. Republicii nr.320, jud.Vaslui, cod unic de inregistrare RO 2808089, nr.inreg. la R.C J37/8/1991  (denumită în continuare Societatea”),conform Deciziei nr. 165/30.04.2018 ,in temeiul Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile comerciale, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare (“Legea nr. 31/1990″) si Actul Constitutiv ale Societatii,       [...]

  • hm18_bannergenerator_120x600_en_150dpi

    URB Group welcomes visitors to Hannover MESSE

    URB Group welcomes visitors to Hannover MESSE From requirements to ideas and from the sketches to manufacturing. We invite you to visit our stand in HANNOVER MESSE 2018, 23 – 27 April (Hall 22) to get to know us more and to discuss about strategy of our business. Our principle is to trust in our [...]