• Screenshot 2024-03-13 201938

    BEARINGNEWS Magazine Mar-Apr-May issue is here

    TOP 5 Bearing & Power Transmission Industry Events in 2024   As we delve into the pages of this edition, we embark on a journey through the dynamic world of bearing and power transmission industry. This issue is dedicated to exploring the top five upcoming events that are set to shape the landscape in 2024 [...]

  • makar

    Makar visit URB 01.03.2024

    Makar is a distributing partner of URB industrial bearings. We have conducted a mutual visit to go over business development potential topics, a tour of the factory shopfloor and to strengthen our collaboration in the surrounding geography.      

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    Tata Steel visit URB

      In February 2024, representatives of TATA Steel India, one of the largest steel producers in the world, visited Rulmenti SA for an audit and approval as a supplier of standard and specialized bearings for TATA Steel machines.                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO ALBUM      

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    The new CEO

      Barlad, 8th February 2024:   Rulmenti S.A announces the appointment of Mr. Muhammet Orcun Kir as CEO, starting from 2 February 2024. Mr. Muhammet Orcun Kir, currently serving as the CEO of Rulmenti S.A., took over the position of CEO of Rulmenti S.A. from Mr. Mehmet Eray Nasoz on the same date. At the [...]

  • Convocator

    Convocator AGOA 30/31.05.2023

    Consiliul de Administrație al RULMENTI S.A., cu sediul in Bârlad, str. Republicii nr. 320, jud. Vaslui, Cod Unic de Înregistrare RO 2808089, Nr. inreg. la R.C J37/8/1991  (denumită în continuare „Societatea”), conform Deciziei nr. 249/25.04.2023,  in temeiul Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile, republicata, cu modificările si completările ulterioare (“Legea nr. 31/1990″), si Actului Constitutiv al [...]