In the last period Rulmenti SA Barlad has developed collaborations with national and international academic environment. The close collaboration with research centers from the technical universities becomes one of the strategies of the management team. In this context the company continues and maintains these collaborations within the scope to develop some common researches in the field of design and manufacturing of different products and also on other common concerns regarding the new research approaches, technical conferences and seminars.
Universities from Galati and Iasi which have defined and approved domains of study compatible with Rulmenti SA Barlad activities, design and mechanical manufacturing of bearings and different types of tools, checkers, devices and spare parts become confident collaborators and partners for the projects “URB private scholarships for master students”.
In 2016 the implementation of the first pilot project was finalized and all 5 students which were selected as beneficiary in this project have become our colleagues in Research and Development and in Engineering Departments. This first project was defined and implemented with “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.
In October 2016 at the beginning of the new academic year was defined a new project “URB private scholarships for master students” in collaboration with “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Were selected 3 students which develop some master research on subjects defined in accordance with URB activities and scopes and their university background.
In order to improve the collaborations and to exchange some technical and managerial knowledge were performed meetings with researchers and students in URB production facilities and also at universities sites. During these common events were discussed the last challenges and the way of achieve the established targets, in technical, quality, production and managerial projects and also futures bilateral common events which can be developed.
Rulmenti SA Barlad team presented their learned lessons from different stages of development to the undergraduate students, PhD students, teachers and researchers. The collaborators were informed about the latest equipment’s and technologies which were developed and implemented in production during last years. Also some details about design and quality control strategies and capacities were discussed regarding common concerns on environmental protection and occupational health and safety.
General information about Rulmenti SA Barlad production facilities were presented as:
– The types of bearings and production ranges;
– The main activities in the manufacturing workshops and support departments;
– General description about the organizational chart and departments;
– The main activities, hardware & software tools used for the new product
development, in R&D Department.
Universities from Galati and Iasi which have defined and approved domains of study compatible with Rulmenti SA Barlad activities, design and mechanical manufacturing of bearings and different types of tools, checkers, devices and spare parts become confident collaborators and partners for the projects “URB private scholarships for master students”.
– The main quality control strategies and methods were presented.
Were presented some opportunities for students, researchers and teachers to:
– Organize some visits in our company;
– Perform internships in our company;
– Develop partnerships with in some research studies and projects;
– Transfer some theoretical knowledge from university to industry environment;
– Perform some studies regarding manufacturing technologies and applications
of bearings;
– Organize some conferences and workshops in a multidisciplinary approach.
URB decided to maintain the bearing exhibitions in both universities and also to renew these exhibitions with new homologated products.
– The first exhibition was installed in the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and
Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, in 2014.
– The second exhibition was installed in the Faculty of Engineering, “Dunarea de
Jos” University of Galati, in 2016.
The main scope of these projects is to develop new ideas, to support the knowledge transfer from academic researches to industrial environment and to find some new potential members for our company.