Report Fake Bearings

URB Report Fake Bearings

Registration Form

Fake bearings are creating headaches for not only bearing manufacturers around the world, but also for the people conned into buying them. The obvious first thoughts of counterfeiting are toward high-end consumer goods, such as designer fashions, clothes, and purses. Even electronic items are counterfeited—for instance, items like smartphones and computers are replicated and sold in foreign countries on bidding sites like Ebay, Alibaba.

What’s the problem with fake bearings?

If you purchase an URB bearing and you want to check if it is genuine or not, please complete the Registration Form  with your email, company name and address.Please submit a picture of the counterfeit bearing along with the form.

The picture should include the hologram series on the packaging and the complete marking of the bearing , please see example on the left. Please make sure the size of the uploaded picture is maximum 5 MB. We’ll contact you shortly with our feedback.  

Thank you for your support.