Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety

Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety

In accordance with the Mission, Vision and Basic Values, current organizational structure of RULMENTI S.A Barlad ensure the development, implementation and continuous improvement within the scope of design, production, sales and service of ball and rollers bearings.

The Integrated Management System (Quality,  Environment and occupational health and safety) has the following certifications:

The policy of RULMENTI S.A. BARLAD referring to quality, environment, health and safety at work consists in:

  • permanently offering products to fully meet customers’ requirements, the applicable safety requirements for automotive production and applicable railway, legal and regulated applicable requirements and other relevant interested parties requirements as well;
  • providing a framework for establishing objectives related to quality, environment and health and safety at work and planning of actions and allocating resources for their fulfillment;
  • providing with an appropriate environment which enables to operate / control processes in order to accomplish conformity of products, to prevent occurrence of non-conformities / failures, to continuously improving products and processes in the company;
  • providing with a strict control of processes in order to prevent environment pollution; providing with a favourable working environment and secure working conditions in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases of all employees and other participants in working processes within the company;
  • providing with resources needed to  determine, implement, maintain and continual improving performances and effectiveness of management systems;
  • reviewing risks and determining factors which can cause processes dysfunctions within management systems processes or deviations from planned results and taking actions to avoid or to minimise negative effects;
  • maintaining a process to motivate employees to achieve goals by creating an environment that promotes innovation.


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