Integrated policy
Quality, Environment, Health and occupational safety.
The policy of RULMENTI S.A. BARLAD referring to quality, environment, health and occupational safety consists in:
- permanently offering products to fully meet customers’ requirements, the applicable safety requirements for automotive production and applicable railway, legal and regulated applicable requirements and other relevant interested parties requirements as well;
- providing a framework for establishing objectives related to quality, environment and health and safety at work and planning of actions and allocating resources for their fulfillment;
- providing with an appropriate environment which enables to operate / control processes in order to accomplish conformity of products, to prevent occurrence of non-conformities / failures, to continuously improving products and processes in the company;
- providing with a strict control of processes in order to prevent environment pollution; providing with a favourable working environment and secure working conditions in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases of all employees and other participants in working processes within the company;
- providing with resources needed to determine, implement, maintain and continual improving performances and effectiveness of management systems;
- reviewing risks and determining factors which can cause processes dysfunctions within management systems processes or deviations from planned results and taking actions to avoid or to minimise negative effects;
- maintaining a process to motivate employees to achieve goals by creating an environment that promotes innovation.
We assume our firm commitment:
- to meet customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, to ensure transparency in the relationships with all interested parties, to ensure product conformity and to increase customer satisfaction;
- to constantly provide quality products that meet the environmental and health and safety requirements in the workplace, in particular, the product safety requirements and the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, the terms and conditions of the contract;
- to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related traumas and diseases;
- to meet the legal requirements and other requirements, to eliminate the dangers and to reduce the risks of health and safety at work, consultation and involvement of workers / workers’ representatives;
- to protect the environment, to prevent pollution, to meet the obligations of compliance and continuous improvement in order to increase the environmental performance;
- to treat and to efficiently and effectively analyse complaints received from customers or from other interested parties, or other problems / non-conformities that could affect the safety of the products, in the spirit of the stated policy;
- to provide with appropriate resources to implement, maintain and continuously improve the processes within the company;
- to enable personnel and customers’ to help in improving products and processes;
- to provide with training for all the personnel in order to meet determined targets and to develop professional competences;
- to develop and to demonstrate leadership concerning to customer orientation
The primordial aim of RULMENTI S.A. Barlad is to design, make and trade products able to meet customers’ requirements, safety, legal and regulated applicable requirements in order to get and to maintain reputation on domestic and foreign markets based on economic efficiency.
We assume defined and oriented objectives in order:
- to enhance customers’ and interested parties satisfaction, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the product manufacturing processes;
- to promote awareness regarding on process-based approach, risk-based thinking, product quality and safety requirements;
- to ensure that the risks and opportunities which can influence the product conformity as well as the customer satisfaction are determined and treated;
- to preserve the resources, to comply with product safety requirements and legal and regulated applicable requirements related to quality, environment, health and safety at work;
- to prevent work injuries / professional diseases / emergencies;
- to identify and to eliminate generating / primary causes of existing and potential problems in the identified processes by a multi-disciplinary approach;
- to identify and apply the best practices in co-operating with all interested parties;
- to address new opportunities of development based on ethics in business.
We are structured and we develop our activity based on management systems according to requirements of standards: ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO/TS 22163, ISO 14001, ISO 45001.
The top management provides the necessary resources to implement, maintain and continuously improving the management systems, including financial, operational and organisational resources to solve problems. The top management periodically reviews the safety requirements and the effectiveness of management systems. The top management is committed to continuously improve its performances, having as guarantee competence, responsibility and involvement of all hierarchical levels of company structure to meet the determined objectives.
We continuously act for effective and efficient communication, involvement and consulting with all participants in the processes identified in the company. The whole personnel in the company is responsible for learning and complying with provisions included in documentation of management systems.
We ensure the customers, other interested parties, certification / authorisation / attestation bodies to have access to this quality, environment, health and occupational safety policy, to the documentation of management systems and the processes described in those documents.
We continuously act to perfect processes, we invest in modernising the machinery and equipment, we focus as a priority on collective protection of employees, on decreasing from the source producing waste, we identify waste superior recycling methods, we minimise resources consumption. We encourage involvement and responsibility of all our employees directed to a healthy environment and good practices at working places. We are involved in partnerships with those who meet legal requirements and improve quality of environmental factors and with those who appreciate the health and improve the safety of own employees.
We consider that through coordinating the processes in a participatory sense we ensure the permanent progress in all scopes by harmonising the assumed aims on short, medium and long term, through applying some measures which sustain each other and lead, upon the whole, to defining and implementing strategies of sustainable development taking into account the internal and external context within which operates the company.
This policy and determined objectives are communicated, assumed, became aware and applied / accomplished by the whole company personnel.
Barlad, June 22, 2018
Eng.Dogan Gures