Customer Assistance

Customer Assistance

Complaints will be submitted in writing, in one of the international languages through:

• site / Contact: Management / Sales / Quality;

• fax: no. : +4021 2300155 or + 40235 413838 or +40235 308200;

• post at: RULMENTI S.A Barlad, Republicii Street no. 320, zip code 731108, Barlad, Romania.
Customer may denounce: 

  • lack of compliance on the quantity and delivery delays in product delivery not later than 40 calendar days after their arrival on the destination but no more than 90 calendar days from the date of products delivery;
  • lackof conformity of products quality in the following terms:
     – packing defects within 90 calendar days from the date of delivery from RULMENTI S.A. Barlad headquarters /   plant site;
     – quality defects, oxidation, corrosion in less than two(2) years from the date of delivery from to RULMENTI S.A. Barlad headquarters;
  • non commercial practices, failure to comply with commitments; 
  • negative attitude or inappropriate behavior of staff that comes in direct contact; 
  • other types of problems.

If until the expiry of time from above the client does not denounce the lack of conformity, then RULMENTI S.A. Barlad is exonerated from any responsibility regarding the conformity of products.
Complaints must provide the following information: 

  • identification of the company or person that makes the complaint – name, address, phone, email, fax, contact person; 
  • subject, complaint content: complaint reference no., time of complaint detection and description of location occurrence, mounting and operating conditions of the product, problem itself / lack of conformity and the cause generating, verification results and methods of verification used, pictures of products in which URB mark visible, reference documentation, length of delay in delivery; 
  • option, the settlement required; 
  • annexes, as appropriate, mail services package with samples / batch returned.

Confirmation of complaint receipt is made in the same day as its reception.
When documents / samples received for analysis are inconclusive, we request customer additional information.
Transmission period of the complaint response to customers is of maximum 5 working days of receipt of the last documents / informations / goods request.

In the case of well-founded complaints, the ‘’8D’’- 8 Discipline method is used for investigation.
Responses for complaints handling may include actions relating to: 

  •  replace / reworking defect products;
  •  compensations, reimbursement of product value, within a period agreed by both parties; 
  •  information and technical assistance; 
  •  delivery of missing quantities; 

Replacement, repair of defective products and compensation will be paid by RULMENTI S.A. Barlad own expense, if complaints are justified.
In this case it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements: 

  • product has been exploited for use as prescribed in the URB catalog and other technical information made available; 
  • product use by the customer for special applications will be made with the prior approval of RULMENTI SA Barlad; 
  • defect is not due to negligence or improper handling of the client or the defect is not due to other causes beyond the control of RULMENTI S.A. Barlad, including further deterioration of the delivery, during transport from Romania to other destinations; 
  • inspection and testing RULMENTI S.A. Barlad, have shown that the product was assembled, lubricated and properly operated, did not suffer overload, higher speeds than the prescribed rules.

Complaints enjoy the same priority, regardless of their subject and are treated impartially, objectively and fairly.
We respect the customers privacy. Customers personal data are protected from disclosure and are available only for complaints handling.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the proposed settlement, after exhausting of all internal possibilities for friendly settlement, he can appeal for external conciliation, RULMENTI S.A. Barlad shall notify the client the possibility of external appeal: he may apply to the arbitrary competent judiciary courts according to contract and Romanian legislation.
Within complaints handling process, we inform the customer in writing of the time limits / status of corrective / preventive actions, including measures to improve established to resolve complaints at their request.

When the terms of settlement can’t be met, we inform the customer on their complaints final resolution offset until completion.
Complaints are considered closed / completed if the client is satisfied with the solution adopted and the complaint handling process has eliminated the causes of the nonconformities. RULMENTI S.A. Barlad constantly monitors complaints handling process by means of performance indicators.
The result of monitoring represents the input data for the Management review.


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